Norris Cylinder

ISO High Pressure Cylinders

Norris Cylinders Ready for Shipping

With over 40 years of experience, our quality high pressure, seamless cylinders are used in over 80 countries.

Norris Cylinder offers high pressure cylinders that range from 158 to 414 Bar and are available in multiple sizes, from 30L to 80L. We have developed a line of light weight high pressure cylinders utilizing a modified Cr-Mo steel with a tensile strength up to 1273 MPa. Our light weight family of ISO cylinders offer an increased gas content to weight ratio over previous generation Cr-Mo cylinders. Norris Cylinder manufactures to either ISO 9809-1 or 9809-2 specifications. Several of our ISO 9809-1 cylinders can be dual marked with DOT3AA and UN ISO (with the TPED Pi mark) allowing use in many countries across the globe. Our UN approval is endorsed by the US Department of Transportation and our cylinder designs are also TPED approved allowing for the Pi mark at your request.

We are committed to meeting and exceeding all applicable requirements from customers, as well as, strict attention to detail and workmanship. Today, our ISO cylinders are supplied to customers on every continent, meeting and exceeding the global industrial gas community's expectations.

For other available sizes or customization, please contact your Norris Cylinder Sales Representative or Customer Service for more information.

Min. Cylinder Volume (in³ )

Service Pressure (psi)

Min. Cylinder Volume (liter)

Service Pressure (bar)


(at 70 F corresponding to minimum cylinder volume)

Product Min. Cylinder Volume (in3) Nom. Cylinder Weight (lb) OD (in) L (in) tmin (in) Service Pressure (psi) Air (ft3) Oxygen (ft3) Nitrogen (ft3) Argon (ft3) Helium (ft3) Hydrogen (ft3)

ISO 9809-1 Cylinders

8BC218 1831 78.5 9.016 36.1 0.196 2900 204.5 222.6 199.3 221.8 191.8 NA
8BC250P 2640 115 9.21 51 0.211 2516 (273.4) 7.74 (291.5) 8.25 (267.2) 7.56 (290.6) 8.22 (254.8) 7.21 (249.7) 7.1
8BC295i 2447 135 9.016 50.5 0.267 3219 298.6 327.9 290.9 326.7 281.8 273.2
8BC297 2441 100.5 9.02 47.1 0.195 2900 272.6 296.7 265.7 295.7 255.7 NA
8BC300P 2995 134 9.26 55.5 0.225 2666 (282.6) 8 (303.2) 8.58 (276.4) 7.82 (302.1) 8.55 (263.9) 7.47 (258.2) 7.3
8BC370i 3058 161 9.016 61 0.267 3219 373.1 409.7 363.5 408.3 352.1 341.4
8BC373 3051 120.5 9.02 57.6 0.195 2900 340.7 370.9 332.1 369.5 319.6 NA
10BC100i 4079 187 10.68 58 0.25 2553 406.4 437.8 396.7 436.2 379.7 370.9
11BC615i 4893 273 11.25 64 0.343 3335 614.1 676.1 597.8 673.8 581.4 562.9

ISO 9809-2 Cylinders

8HP298C 2441 81 9.02 46.25 0.17 2900 272.4 296.7 265.7 295.6 255.7 NA
8HP350C 2880 93 9.016 53.375 0.17 2900 321.6 350.1 313.5 348.8 301.7 NA
8HP374C 3051 98 9.02 56.75 0.17 2900 340.7 370.9 332.1 369.5 319.6 NA
8HP318C 1831 95 9.02 37.2 0.241 4351 283.7 318.2 275.4 317.7 275.8 NA
8HP424C 2441 119 9.016 48.1 0.241 4351 378.3 424.2 367.3 423.6 367.7 NA
8HP502C 2880 134 9.02 56 0.241 4351 446.3 500.5 433.3 499.7 433.9 NA
8HP528C 3051 141 9.02 59 0.241 4351 472.8 530.3 459 529.4 459.6 NA
8HP531C 3051 162 9.02 59.8 0.265 4500 484.4 544 474.3 547 474.9 NA
8HP501C 2750 140 9.41 50.5 0.274 4500 436.9 491 424.1 490.5 426.6 NA
8HP508C 2844 150 9.41 52.38 0.274 4500 452 508 438.8 507.4 441.4 NA
8HP536C 2750 170 9.41 52.5 0.309 5002 471.8 531.1 456 532 467.5 NA
8HP586C 2641 195 9.41 52 0.373 6003 510.5 585.8 493.1 581 524.6 NA
11HP845C 4893 245 11.25 62.5 0.316 4350 758.2 850.4 736.2 849 737.1 NA

Dual DOT3AA and ISO 9809-1 Cylinders*+

8BC75P 3051 135 9.28 56 0.217 (2300) 2553 (277.2) 303.7 (296) 327.4 (270.9) 296.7 (295) 326.3 (258.4) 284 (253.1) 277.3
8BC295P 2447 135 9.016 50.5 0.267 (2900) 3219 (273.3) 298.6 (297.4) 327.9 (266.4) 290.9 (296.4) 326.7 (256.3) 281.8 (249.3) 273.2
8BC370P 3058 161 9.016 61 0.267 (2900) 3219 (341.5) 373.1 (371.7) 409.7 (332.9) 363.5 (370.4) 408.3 (320.3) 352.1 (311.6) 341.4
10BC100P 4079 187 10.68 58 0.25 (2300) 2553 (370.5) 406.4 (395.7) 437.8 (362.2) 396.7 (394.4) 436.2 (345.5) 379.7 (338.4) 370.9
11BC615P 4893 273 11.25 64 0.343 (3000) 3335 614.1 676.1 597.8 673.8 581.4 562.9
8BC250P 2640 115 9.21 51 0.211 (2265) 2516 (273.4) 7.74 (291.5) 8.25 (267.2) 7.56 (290.6) 8.22 (254.8) 7.21 (249.7) 7.1
8BC300P 2995 134 9.26 55.5 0.225 (2400) 2666 (282.6) 8 (303.2) 8.58 (276.4) 7.82 (302.1) 8.55 (263.9) 7.47 (258.2) 7.3

ISO 9809-4 Cylinders**

TA2460310-00 61 7.0 3.50 10.75 0.175 1800 4.2 4.4 4.1 4.4 3.9 3.8
TA2460319-00 122 16.5 3.50 19.375 0.175 1800 8.4 8.8 8.2 8.8 7.8 7.7
Product Min. Cylinder Volume (liter) Nom. Cylinder Weight (kg) OD (mm) L (mm) tmin (mm) Service Pressure (bar) Air (m3) Oxygen (m3) Nitrogen (m3) Argon (m3) Helium (m3) Hydrogen (m3)

ISO 9809-1 Cylinders

8BC218 30 35.6 229 917 4.96 200 5.79 6.3 5.64 6.28 5.43 NA
8BC250P 43.2 52.2 234 1295 5.36 173 (308.4) 8.73 (304) 8.6 (327.6) 9.27 (296.7) 8.4 (326.5) 9.24 (284.2) 8.04
8BC295i 40 61.4 229 1283 6.8 222 8.45 9.28 8.23 9.25 7.98 7.73
8BC297 40 45.6 229 1196 4.96 200 7.72 7.52 7.52 8.37 7.24 NA
8BC300P 49 60.8 235.2 1410 5.72 184 (310.1) 8.78 (335.4) 9.49 (302.6) 8.56 (334.2) 9.46 (290.3) 8.22 (283.0) 8.01
8BC370i 50 73 229 1549 6.8 222 10.56 11.6 10.29 11.56 9.97 9.66
8BC373 50 54.7 229 1463 4.96 200 9.65 10.5 9.4 10.46 9.05 NA
10BC100i 66.8 84.8 271.3 1473 6.4 176 (10.49) 11.5 (11.21) 12.4 (10.26) 11.23 (11.17) 12.35 (9.78) 10.75 (9.6) 10.5
11BC615i 80 123.8 285.75 1626 8.72 230 17.39 19.1 16.9 19 16.4 15.9

ISO 9809-2 Cylinders

8HP298C 40 36.8 229 1175 4.24 200 7.7 8.4 7.5 8.37 7.26 NA
8HP350C 47.2 42.3 229 1365 4.24 200 9.1 9.91 8.87 9.87 8.54 NA
8HP374C 50 45 229 1441 4.24 200 9.65 10.5 9.4 10.46 9.05 NA
8HP318C 30 43.2 229 945 6.12 300 8 9 7.7 8.9 7.81 NA
8HP424C 40 54.1 229 1222 6.12 300 10.71 12.01 10.4 11.99 10.41 NA
8HP502C 47.2 61.8 229 1422 6.12 300 12.64 14.17 12.27 14.15 12.29 NA
8HP528C 50 64 229 1499 6.12 300 13.39 15.02 13 14.99 13.01 NA
8HP531C 50 73.5 229 1519 6.73 310 13.7 15.4 13.4 15.4 13.4 NA
8HP501C 45.1 63.5 239 1282 6.96 310 12.37 13.9 12.01 13.89 12.08 NA
8HP508C 46.6 68 239 1330 6.96 310 12.8 14.38 12.42 14.36 12.5 NA
8HP536C 45.1 77.1 239 1334 7.85 345 13.36 15.04 12.91 15.06 13.23 NA
8HP586C 43.3 88.5 239 1321 9.5 414 14.46 16.58 13.96 16.45 14.85 NA
11HP845C 80 111.2 285.75 1588 8.03 300 21.47 24.08 20.85 24.04 20.87 NA

Dual DOT3AA and ISO 9809-1 Cylinders*+

8BC75P 50 61 235 1422 5.5 (158) 176 (7.84) 8.6 (8.38) 9.27 (7.67) 8.4 (8.35) 9.24 (7.32) 8.04 (7.1) 7.8
8BC295P 40 61.4 229 1283 6.8 (200) 222 (7.73) 8.45 (8.42) 9.28 (7.54) 8.23 (8.39) 9.25 (7.25) 7.98 (7.06) 7.73
8BC370P 50 73 229 1549 6.8 (200) 222 (9.67) 10.56 (10.52) 11.6 (9.42) 10.29 (10.48) 11.56 (9.07) 9.97 (8.82) 9.66
10BC100P 66.8 84.8 271.3 1473 6.4 (158) 176 (10.49) 11.5 (11.21) 12.4 (10.26) 11.23 (11.17) 12.35 (9.78) 10.75 (9.6) 10.5
11BC615P 80 123.8 285.75 1626 8.72 (207) 230 17.39 19.1 16.9 19 16.4 15.9
8BC250P 43.2 52.2 234 1295 5.36 (156) 173 (308.4) 8.73 (304) 8.6 (327.6) 9.27 (296.7) 8.4 (326.5) 9.24 (284.2) 8.04
8BC300P 49 60.8 235.2 1410 5.72 (165) 184 (310.1) 8.78 (335.4) 9.49 (302.6) 8.56 (334.2) 9.46 (290.3) 8.22 (283.0) 8.01

ISO 9809-4 Cylinders**

TA2460310-00 1 3.2 89 273 4.45 124.1 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.11
TA2460319-00 2 7.5 89 492 4.45 124.1 0.24 0.25 0.23 0.25 0.22 0.22
* For Dual DOT/ISO Spec Cylinders, the DOT capacities are listed in parenthesis corresponding to DOT rated working pressure at 70 F.
** For gas sampling service in Europe PED/CE requirements apply.
+ These cylinders are also used in liquefied gas service such as CO2 and related mixtures.
- Cylinders are also available in 3/4 NGT and 25E threading.
- Approx. Cylinder weight does not include the weight of neckring, valve or cap.
-10% overfill not allowed for these cylinders

Norris Cylinder Specifications

For specification information on a particular cylinder, please use our Cylinder Specification feature to find the information you need for our DOT High Pressure, Acetylene, and ISO High Pressure Norris Cylinders.

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DOT High Pressure Cylinders
Acetylene Cylinders
ISO High Pressure Cylinders
Specialty Products