Norris Cylinder


Product Min. Cylinder Volume (in3) Nom. Cylinder Weight (lb) OD (in) L (in) tmin (in) DOT Service Pressure (psi) Air (ft3) Oxygen (ft3) Nitrogen (ft3) Argon (ft3) Helium (ft3) Hydrogen (ft3) 10% Overfill Pressure (psi) Air (ft3) Oxygen (ft3) Nitrogen (ft3) Argon (ft3) Helium (ft3)

Standard DOT/TC Specification High Pressure Cylinders1

11BC615 4893 270 11.25 64 0.343 3000 563.3 614.7 548.8 612.5 528.9 513.8 3300 609.5 670.8 593.7 668.4 576.2
10BC400 3960 186 10.69 56 0.258 2400 373.6 400.8 365.5 399.4 348.9 341.4 2640 406.5 439.5 396.9 437.9 380.5
10BC100A 4079 188 10.69 58 0.25 2300 370.5 395.7 362.2 394.4 346.5 338.4 2530 403.2 434.5 394 432.9 377
8BC435 2285 267 9.37 51 0.568 6000 441.9 507 426.8 502.9 454.1 425.8 6600 466.5 538 450.7 531.9 491.4
8BC370 3058 161 9.02 61 0.266 2900 341.5 371.7 332.9 370.4 320.3 311.6 3190 370.4 406.4 360.8 404.9 349.3
8BC345 2557 170 9.31 51 0.336 3600 341.4 378.1 332.1 376.9 325.3 314.1 3960 369.3 411.7 358.8 410.5 354.6
8BC340 2557 170 9.15 51 0.326 3500 334.6 370.1 325.9 368.8 317.6 307.2 3850 360.8 401.5 350.6 400.3 345.6
8BC300 2995 134 9.28 55.5 0.224 2400 282.6 303.2 276.4 302.1 263.9 258.2 2640 307.5 332.4 300.2 331.2 287.8
8BC295 2447 135 9.02 50.5 0.266 2900 273.3 297.4 266.4 296.4 256.3 249.3 3190 296.4 325.2 288.7 324 279.5
8BC250 2640 115 9.28 51 0.211 2265 236.6 252.2 231.2 251.4 220.5 216 2491 257.4 277 251.6 276 240.6
8BC220S 2270 104 9.28 45 0.211 2265 203.4 216.9 198.8 216.2 189.6 185.8 2491 221.3 238.2 216.3 237.3 206.9
8BC220 2640 114 9.28 51 0.187 2015 212 224.2 207.5 223.7 197.8 194.3 2216 231.7 246.8 226.5 246 216
8BC200 2395 101 8.75 51 0.174 2015 192.3 203.4 188.3 202.9 179.4 176.2 2216 210.2 223.9 205.5 223.2 196
8BC75A 3058 136 9.28 56.5 0.215 2300 277.8 296.7 271.5 295.7 259 253.7 2530 302.3 325.7 295.4 324.6 282.7
150CF 1650 67.5 7.3 46.5 0.15 2015 132.5 141.2 130.5 140.6 124.4 123.6 2216 144.8 155.3 143.5 154.7 136.8
125CF 1379 62 6.9 43 0.162 2265 123.6 130.1 119.1 129.5 113.6 115.2 2491 134.4 143.1 131 142.5 124.9
110CF 1379 62 6.9 43 0.144 2015 110.7 115.7 106.9 115.2 101.9 103.3 2216 121 127.3 117.6 126.7 112.1
80CF 940 46 6.9 32.38 0.144 2015 79.9 85.9 79.4 85.6 75.7 74.5 2216 87.3 94.5 87.3 94.1 83.3
55CF 650 32 7 22.875 0.144 2015 53 57 52.7 56.8 50.2 49.4 2216 57.9 62.7 57.9 62.4 55.2
40CF 500 27 7 18 0.144 2015 40.1 41.7 38.5 41.5 36.7 37.5 2216 43.9 45.9 42.4 45.7 40.4
20CF 220 10.5 5.263 13.75 0.113 2015 17.7 18.7 17.3 18.6 16.5 16.5 2216 19.3 20.6 19 20.5 18

DOT Special Permits SP10869 / TC Equivalency Certificates SU 43692

Product Min. Cylinder Volume (Liter) Nom. Cylinder Weight (kg) OD (mm) L (mm) tmin (mm) DOT Service Pressure (bar) Air (m3) Oxygen (m3) Nitrogen (m3) Argon (m3) Helium (m3) Hydrogen (m3) 10% Overfill Pressure (bar) Air (m3) Oxygen (m3) Nitrogen (m3) Argon (m3) Helium (m3)

Standard DOT/TC Specification High Pressure Cylinders1

11BC615 80.2 122.5 285.8 1626 8.71 207 15.95 17.41 15.54 17.34 14.98 14.55 228 17.26 18.99 16.81 18.93 16.32
10BC400 64.9 84.4 271.5 1422 6.55 165 10.58 11.35 10.35 11.31 9.88 9.67 182 11.51 12.45 11.24 12.4 10.78
10BC100A 66.8 85.3 271.5 1473 6.35 159 10.49 11.21 10.26 11.17 9.78 9.58 174 11.42 12.3 11.16 12.26 10.68
8BC435 37.4 121.1 238 1295 14.43 414 12.51 14.36 12.08 14.24 12.86 12.06 455 13.21 15.23 12.76 15.06 13.91
8BC370 50 73 229 1550 6.75 200 9.67 10.53 9.43 10.49 9.07 8.82 220 10.49 11.51 10.22 11.47 9.89
8BC345 41.9 77.1 236.5 1295 8.53 248 9.66 10.7 9.4 10.67 9.21 8.89 273 10.46 11.66 10.16 11.63 10.04
8BC340 41.9 77.1 232.5 1295 8.28 241 9.47 10.48 9.22 10.44 8.99 8.69 266 10.21 11.36 9.92 11.33 9.78
8BC300 49.1 60.8 235.7 1410 5.69 165 8 8.58 7.83 8.55 7.47 7.31 182 8.71 9.41 8.5 9.38 8.15
8BC295 40.1 61.2 229 1283 6.75 200 7.74 8.42 7.54 8.39 7.26 7.06 220 8.39 9.21 8.17 9.17 7.91
8BC250 43.3 52.2 235.7 1295 5.36 156 6.7 7.14 6.55 7.12 6.24 6.12 172 7.29 7.84 7.12 7.82 6.81
8BC220S 37.2 47.2 235.7 1143 5.36 156 5.76 6.14 5.63 6.12 5.37 5.26 172 6.27 6.74 6.13 6.72 5.86
8BC220 43.3 51.7 235.7 1295 4.75 139 6 6.35 5.88 6.33 5.6 5.5 153 6.56 6.99 6.41 6.97 6.12
8BC200 39.2 45.8 222.3 1295 4.42 139 5.45 5.76 5.33 5.75 5.08 4.99 153 5.95 6.34 5.82 6.32 5.55
8BC75A 50.1 61.7 235.7 1435 5.5 159 7.87 8.4 7.69 8.37 7.33 7.18 174 8.56 9.22 8.36 9.19 8
150CF 27 30.6 185.4 1181.1 3.81 138.9 3.75 4 3.69 3.98 3.52 3.5 153 4.1 4.4 4.06 4.38 3.88
125CF 22.6 28.1 176.5 1092.2 4.1 156.2 3.49 3.68 3.37 3.67 3.22 3.26 172 3.8 4.05 3.71 4.04 124.9
110CF 22.6 28.1 175 1092.2 3.66 138.9 3.13 3.28 3.03 3.26 2.89 2.92 153 3.42 3.6 3.33 3.59 3.18
80CF 15.4 20.9 176 822.3 3.66 138.9 2.228 2.43 2.25 2.42 2.14 2.1 153 2.47 2.68 2.47 2.67 2.36
55CF 10.6 14.5 177.8 581.02 3.66 139 1.5 1.61 1.49 1.61 1.42 1.39 153 1.64 1.78 1.64 1.77 1.56
40CF 8.2 12.2 178 457 3.66 138.9 1.13 1.18 1.09 1.18 50.2 49.4 153 1.24 1.3 1.2 1.29 1.14
20CF 3.6 4.8 133.7 349 2.87 138.9 0.5 0.53 0.49 0.53 0.47 0.46 153 0.54 0.58 0.54 0.58 0.5

DOT Special Permits SP10869 / TC Equivalency Certificates SU 43692

1 DOT Regulations permit filling these cylinders with 10% overcharge (from DOT rated pressure) provided certain other requirements are met.
2 Under no circumstances are these cylinders to be filled to a pressure exceeding the marked service pressure at 70 F. 
-All Cylinders furnished with 3/4" NGT inlet threads, unless specified otherwise.
-Nominal weight includes neckring but excludes the valve and cap.
-Cylinder capacities are approximate at 70 F (21 C).

Norris Cylinder Specifications

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DOT High Pressure Cylinders
Acetylene Cylinders
ISO High Pressure Cylinders
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